Color Analysis (In Person or Virtual)


In my two-step process you send me two photos and answer three questions about your coloring. I’ll analyze your color code and send you the name of your code with a link to pay for your analysis.

Once you have paid for your analysis, you will get a link to download your 16-page Color Guide E-book which will include your 36 best colors to wear and the following:​​

β˜‘ Your best neutrals and pop colors
β˜‘ Best color contrast (how many colors you can wear at one time in an outfit) for you to wear
β˜‘ Understanding value contrast (the difference between light and dark colors) and what looks best on you
β˜‘ Whether you are most flattered wearing white or ivory, black or no black
β˜‘ Best purse color
β˜‘ Best basic makeup color and hair coloring tips

Having your E-book with your colors on your smart phone will ensure you never get stranded shopping without your best colors with you. Your E-book will empower you to select clothes in the colors that flatter you. Whether pulling together an outfit from your closet or shopping for new clothes, you will always have your best color guide with you. Eventually you will master your own coloring and will not need your E-book as often.



Get your best colors delivered to your mobile device after your color analysis based on the headshots you provided. Download your Color Guide eBook directly to as many devices as you choose. You never have to be caught on a spontaneous shopping trip without your colors.

Your Color Guide eBook includes guidelines for how to wear your best colors together, makeup color suggestions and more.

Hair color is a dominant part of our coloring. If your hair color has changed over the last few decades, it’s time for an updated color analysis.

Your eBook includes a link to the Pinterest board specific to your Color Code. There you will find outfits in your colors to inspire your wardrobe update.