Bestselling author of For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhahn, has reported the results of her nationwide survey and confidential interviews with more than three thousand men, exploring how men in the workplace tend to perceive things their female colleagues say and do.
Even the most accomplished and astute women have been surprised by the findings of this research. In The Male Factor, Shaunti investigates and quantifies the private thoughts that men almost never publicly reveal or admit to, but that every woman will want to know.
Depending on the time frame one or multiple topics below can be covered independently or in conjunction with the Projecting Professional Presence style event.
It’s Not Personal; It’s Just Business
Identify the subconscious differences in how men and women believe the workplace should operate, which sometimes causes unintended problems in perception.
Emotions in the Workplace
Discover what men view as emotion in the workplace, and how they view emotion when they see it (it is not just the perspective that it’s “unprofessional”). This module also equips women to help men understand the strengths of women’s emotional processing.
Sharing the Weight of the World
Connecting men’s workplace expectations with their fear that the “world might come crashing down” if they let down their guard. Identify the signals men look for that someone is “all in” and fully sharing this “weight of the world” feeling.
The Little Things that Drive Men Crazy
Three surprising minor but key frustrations men repeatedly experience that tax most men’s patience and is a high source of aggravation, and why.
Learn about the underlying insecurity behind the “male ego” which is connected to his deepest need, and the seven signals of unintentional disrespect to which almost all men are highly sensitive.
Visual Distraction Factor
Identify how women at all levels are perceived if they dress in a way that triggers the visual centers of the male, and how to address this awkward topic with subordinates and mentees for the greatest effectiveness.
Being True to Yourself
In Shaunti’s survey and interviews, men’s top advice for women was to be true to who they are rather than feeling the need to act like a man because when they do that, men say women tend to take on the worst characteristics of men.